Why We Decided to Homeschool

I never thought I would homeschool.

Maybe like you, I grew up going to public school and when, several years ago, my husband and I had kids, we assumed that that's what they would do. What changed?

At four years old, we sent our daughter to a well-thought-of preschool in our town and though there are many good (and not-as-good) things I could say about our experience, what it really was, was an eye-opener.

Through our "traditional" preschool experience, we saw that our daughter simply wasn't going to survive well, let alone flourish, in a traditional school setting. It turns out that she's considered a "gifted" kid which means that her brain processes life differently than most boys and girls her age. Her giftedness effects nearly every aspect of her life (ours too!) so, long story short, when it came time to decide what on earth we were going to do about kindergarten, we explored all our options then ultimately chose to homeschool.

I had the benefit of watching a handful of friends homeschool their kids for a few years prior to our decision. And so much of what I saw - about their kids, about their families, about their way of life - I liked. So thankfully, I wasn't going into what mostly felt like an over-the-top, out-of-the-box, extremely daunting endeavor, completely overcome. I had encouragement, guidance, insight and support. And I hope, whether you're considering homeschooling, starting out homeschooling, or whether you're a well-seasoned homeschooling veteran, you'll find at least a little of the same within this blog.

We're only in our second year homeschooling, so we've got a ton to learn. Which is why I invite you to take a look at what we're up to, then by all means, leave it, copy it or make it your own.

I am so very thankful, by the way, for that challenging preschool experience. It was part of what led us to homeschooling which, even with it's own very real and often overwhelming challenges, is something that, maybe just like you, I wouldn't have wanted to miss.

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