President's Day

This is the first year we've done an actual lesson on President's Day... and it was so much fun!

We used this lesson plan as a guide to our day which included learning about several of the most well-known U.S. Presidents and some other President's Day activities. But our favorite part was the "Clean That Coin!" science experiment!

The goal was to immerse four "Lincolns" into four separate liquids - water, liquid soap, baking soda and salt and vinegar - and to see which penny got the cleanest!

The kids waited a few minutes, then scrubbed the pennies with a Q-tip...

Which liquid do you think won? : )

Feel free to check out more holiday ideas on my Pinterest Board!


  1. Was it the vinegar? So creative. I'm loving your blog!

  2. Smarty pants! : ) Before the experiment, I had guessed the baking soda.
