Godly Play - The Exile and Return

Our Godly Play story for this week was (drum roll please)...

You'll find the script for the story in the book Young Children and Worship. And in addition to reading the story, you may find it helpful, as I do, to watch someone else tell the story online. Here's the link to the story I watched.

As usual, I made my own story materials (so much less expensive than buying them!) and here's what they looked like:

You'll have a better idea about what the materials represent after reading and watching the story. But the white tray with sand inside is our desert box, the wooden peg people with felt clothing are the characters in the story. The two wooden blocks (snagged from my kids' blocks bin!) each represent a city, the two strands of blue yarn represent two rivers and the adjoined paper clips represent chains.

For more Godly Play ideas and inspiration check out my Pinterest board!

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